Serial Acquirers

Serial Acquirer Book

Gustaf Hakansson
February 19, 2022
We’re all serial acquirers. Kind of. Be it as public investors building portfolios, operators picking projects, or actual "serial acquirers". I hope this book can be interesting whichever camp you’re in…

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Summary: The prospect of long sometimes ignored runways of capital deployments at excess returns makes serial acquirers exciting.

Excess profits exist only in some kind of monopoly. And monopolies are reliably available at a discount only with an every little helps strategy.

Successful serial acquirers focus on incremental improvements, aggressive capital reallocation, decentralization, and lean overheads.

As perpetual owners, serial acquirers need to buy good businesses, which by definition are asset-light.

Asset-light businesses are also less exposed to inflation. Investors in asset-heavy firms run a higher risk of confusing return of capital for return on capital.

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